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Art Spotlight


Alexis S.

The dandelion flower is a classic portrayal of being a military kid; the seeds relocate and grow wherever the wind takes them. Whenever the flower is represented it is in a traditional form, of the seeds flying in the air, so I decided to use some creative liberty and make the standard image a little more interesting. The positive and negative editing represents the ups and downs of growing up with military parents being controlled by the whims of a new job assignment and going wherever the wind blows.


Imogene S.

Military kids have unique life experiences that expand their view of the world. As a result, they tend to be more open minded and approach ideas with a new perspective.

Train Station Wonderland

Rowan M.

One of the perks of being on Guam is that we live really close to Japan. My family and I have gone on so many plane rides that our credit points and whatnot made it very cheap to fly there, too. This piece is inspired by the huge shopping complexes that would be hidden away in Japan's many train stations (this one in particular being the Lucua 100 complex). I just found it amazing that areas so bustling and full of life could be so easily missed if you don't take a closer look.

Nice and Pretty

Lara O.

As a military teen, we are too often expected to bury the pain of leaving friends behind and adjusting to a new environment. “You’re used to this.” “You’re too old to cry.” But underneath the pretty facade, there is a cracked and bruised heart that mourns for all the people we left behind.


Jason C.

It is now 2025, the year of the snake! Let us celebrate this fresh new year with this fresh, simple poster! Happy New Year!

Happy Holidays

Miah S.

Gives a glimpse into what it can be like for some military families during the holidays. On the top is a deployed member calling his family and in the bottom, his family calling him from far away.

New Roots

Ellie C.

As foreign service kids, each moves presents a familiar feeling of unfamiliarity. These peppers were brought to my family on our second day of living Ghana by our host family. Our kitchen was completely empty, but these vibrant red and orange peppers were a reminder that we had left our entire lives behind, and that we had to start completely new.


Alexis S.

When I left my old house in Maryland, Bruno Mars' song - Talking To the Moon - would be blasting in my headphones 24/7. I missed my old friends, and one of the only things that helped me feel close to them when we were so far apart was remembering we were watching the same moon rise and fall every night and morning. As a military teen, it's difficult moving around and leaving behind so many aspects of your life, so finding ways to feel more connected to the past is so valuable.

Take Your Time

Imogene S.

"When you move so often, it can be hard feel like you are in control. Nevertheless, there are always new opportunities to grow and enjoy your life in the present."

Chapel Hart

Rowan M.

"The hit country band Chapel Hart, famous for being finalists on AGT, are currently doing a series of performances at USOs around the world. They sounded even better in person than on TV, and it was a lot of fun!"


Jason C.

"I was so busy as the end of the quarter passes by that one of the most enjoyable days in the year has already passed. But I can still make an art for such a fun day getting treats. :)"


Lara O.

"Every PCS is another door into the unknown. We never know what’s behind the door, but we still push through and live with whatever the military life throws our way."

New View, Familiar Feelings

Brianna V.

"Every where we move, we see different views, but the feelings we have are always the same: excitement, anxiety, sadness, hopefulness, and more"

Patchwork Quilt

Miah S.

"We, as humans and as military kids, become a patchwork quilt of our experiences and of the people we meet."

Shifting Pieces

Ellie C.

""Shifting Pieces" explores the emotional fragmentation that comes with moving constantly. Each "piece" of the portrait represents the different parts of ourselves that are connected to all of the places we have lived; different but still stitched together to make us who we are."

Constant Change

Imogene S.

"Like the seasons, change is the one of the true constants in a military teen's life. It is a paradox in that it's predictable yet always new."

Army Class

Jason C.

"As the new school year arrives with a variety of new electives open for freshman. Thus I decided to join JROTC so I can learn general knowledge about the military (and for personal reasons)! As of now, nothings too complicated thanks to the older people who taken the class multiple times and it’s pretty fun! However, I’m still lost—but hey, everybody gets lost in a new environment and it’s totally fine!"

Window Chicken

Rowan M.

"There are a huge number of wild chickens in Guam, including on the base. There's one that lives near our house and has actually jumped up to my window from the outside; I tried to capture the obnoxious rooster and the view behind it in this piece."


Zoe B.

"It always hurts when you move and suddenly the only way you can see your friends is through a screen. Everyone says it’s great that we have technology that connects us, but it’s not the same. It’s never the same."

Where R U From?

Imogene S.

"The life of a military child is unpredictable. Never knowing what’s coming next is scary and can cause anxiety and almost a feeling like falling, with no control."

Down the Rabbit Hole

Miah S.

"The life of a military child is unpredictable. Never knowing what’s coming next is scary and can cause anxiety and almost a feeling like falling, with no control."

All Dressed Up

Ellie C.

"This is a watercolor portrait of a photo I took of a young girl at a festival I was attending at my post in Accra, Ghana. Living overseas exposes me to fascinating customs and cultures. Although the life of a militeen is tough, it has given me many opportunities to learn about new places and people."

Fireworks of Red, White, and Blue

Jason C.

"Every year, every month of July 4th, we celebrate U.S.’s independence. And this year and the next year, and so forth will we continuously celebrate the independence America had assiduously worked for."

Coming Home

Miah S.

"I wanted to capture the essence of not only parents coming home from deployment but militeens coming home, wherever home may be. Some may view the art as someone leaving home, but we military teens know that leaving home will open opportunities to find a new home."

Across the World

Brianna V.

"I always find myself scrolling through pictures and posts of my friends whenever I move away and sometimes find myself wondering what it would be like if I went back."

My Life Bouquet

Lara O.

A vase containing the state flowers from every place I’ve lived


Rowan M.

A collection of things people have said to me about moving, and scattered items that I take with me whenever I move. I made this in honor of me moving to Guam in a few weeks, and it represents what I'm taking with me, both literally and figuratively.


Zoe B.
South Korea

This is a visual depiction of my poem “Timer.” You can read it here:

Lightening Path

Evelyn M.
South Korea

There's a point in every part of a military
child's life where they leave the nest, and the lifestyle they
have known their whole life. They have to find their new
sense of self, and learn a new way of life. It's a special part in
every child's life, finding a new path.

Travel Journals

Michela C.

My World of Friends

Ellie C.

What I see when I think back to all the different faces I called friends after 17 years of moving all over the world and living on five continents.

Thank You For Your Service

Imogene S.

While their parents are serving the country through their military careers, military kids end up having to endure the constant change and sacrifices for the good of their families. When they move, they carry both physical and emotional baggage from all the experiences they have been through.

A Drawing of Creativity

Jason C.

Share your creativity with people around you! Let them know how amazing you are. Be proud of who you are: if you’re silly, then make people laugh! If you’re shy, don’t be afraid and be brave. If you’re a military child, let people around you know that you’re a military child because you’re not alone.

My Little Soldier

Brianna V.

Through the deployments, moves, and unknowns, a special thing will always seem to capture and endure our greatest and lowest moments.

Memory Bookshelf

Lara O.
Arlington, VA

Through the military, I’ve been blessed to be able to visit so many amazing places. Whenever we go on a family vacation, we make a photo book to remember our time there, and in that way, a little piece of everywhere we’ve been around the world stays with us.

Life in Boxes

Zoe B.
South Korea

We’re all used to having our things packed up into boxes and sealed away. Keepsakes, books, art supplies, stuffed animals. Everything seems so much more real once you’re looking at the bare bones of what was once your room, filled with cardboard boxes. You’re really moving again. It’s really happening.


Jake M.
North Carolina

"This piece captures the feeling of heartache and worry when a loved one is on a deployment."

One Thing Remains

Gabriella A.

"After moving around so much, it sometimes gets hard trying to adapt to each noe location, although one thing always remains the same: the sun. In every new place, whenever I look outside my window, I'll always know I can look out and see the sun shining brightly in the sky. Though the sun may look different, it will always be there."


Zoe B.
South Korea

"This piece illustrates how military kids can stay connected to our friends from past duty stations through the internet."

Through Milkid-Colored Glasses

Lara O.
Arlington, VA

"Military teens will always have a special outlook on life thanks to their many unique experiences. Since purple is the color of the military child, purple-colored glasses seemed an apt way to represent the unique milkid perspective."


Lara O.
Arlington, VA

4 people. One carrying luggage, two checked luggage each. 12 suitcases, all you need to survive 3 months as a nomad, all in the trunk of one minivan. This is what we do, and if it doesn’t fit, we’ll make it fit.

Return to Yongsan

Zoe B.
South Korea

This piece depicts the surreal feeling I had when visiting a past duty station: the now closed Yongsan Base in Seoul. I was there from 2014-2018. I moved there when I was 5 and left when I was 9. When I came back, everything was covered in vines: my house, my friends’ houses, the playgrounds. If you are interested and live in the area, you can go to the Yongsan base. They have an area open to the public featuring houses just like mine that have been converted to museums. If you go, say hi to 8 year old me ;)

Unbroken Record

Lara O.
Arlington, Virginia

The phrase “a broken record” refers to something repeated over and over again. Sometimes, life as a military teen can feel like that, the same moving cycle restarting every two years. However, no cycle is exactly the same, and through all the different moves, we remain resilient and unbroken.


Claudia G.

This piece is about several things. For one, it is what it is like after your parents retire. You live in one place for around 3 years and then that summer, you feel the itch. The itch to move somewhere new. The next move will be to college. So you are left in a weird place. the other meaning is what it is like in the military. You have an assignment for 3 years, but it could be 2, or it might be 4. You are waiting to know when the time will come, and after a certain point, it becomes all you can think about. Summer means waiting. Summer means moving, but you are unsure when you will be moving next.

Call Failed

Claudia G.

This piece is about what it is like to have friendships that never fall apart, they just end. As a military kid, we lose many many friends, and this piece is a reminder that we can't ever find those old friends again. They are people of our past, not to return to our future. That is a burden we have to carry.


Gabriella H.

Just like flowers people can bloom and grow in unexpected places. Moving around so much growing up has helping me grow as a person and learn new things the were unexpected.

Home is Where the Army Sends Us

Lara O.
Arlington, VA

"With every move a military teen goes through comes a new house. Each house comes with its own set of features and memories. This piece depicts a house made up of the most memorable features from all the unique homes I’ve lived in."

Blanket Piano

Lara O.
Arlington, VA

During PCS, pianos and other instruments are stuck on a truck or boat and sent to their next destination. During that time, musicians need something else to practice on, something else to remind them of home.

Seeds of Friendship

Zoe B.
South Korea

This piece illustrates how military-connected friend groups can be split apart by multiple moves, and when that happens it's hard for everyone involved. Everyone flies off on their own path, at first soaring through the air (figuratively and, often, literally), with nothing to think about but all you're leaving behind... and all there is to come. And while you may not stay in touch with that friend group, you'll always remember them as where your seed came from, as you land and grow your roots and your flowers up to the sky and meet new friends. Then on a windy day you fly away again to a new location, leaving another stem behind. But the stems always stay with you.

Bloom Where You're Planted

Gabriella H.
Puerto Rico

This symbolizes how dandelions grow almost anywhere even in the most adverse conditions, they bloom anywhere they can. After being moved around many times in my life with my two little sisters I feel as though we had to “bloom” and spread our roots and get adjusted to each new place. But even so I know I will always have my sisters there with me. Which is why I decided to paint three small dandelions in the painting.


Alannisse S.
Puerto Rico

I decided to draw one of the most impactful moments of my early childhood relating to the military. I know we all go through that pain of missing a parent or guardian at some point when they're deployed for an extended period of time. It just makes seeing them again all the sweeter.

Helping Hands

Lara Oh
Arlington, VA

Throughout their lives, military teens encounter countless friends, family members, teachers, etc. who help them grow and discover who they are. To all the people who have helped me and so many others bloom, thank you


Jake M.
North Carolina

Depiction of a local golf course in Pinehurst, NC.

New Beginnings

Gabriella H.
Puerto Rico

After the dandelions life cycle has come to a end, it starts spreading it’s seeds to start a new beginning and continues to grow again. It reminds me of how when we move after awhile it’s time for us to go and start a new beginning. Each new place we go helps us grow, and learn new experiences.

An Old Suitcase

Lara O.
Arlington, VA

As military teens, we have been through a lot of journeys. Worn but sturdy, we carry around memories from everywhere we’ve been just like a decorated suitcase.

Struggles of Deployment

Evelyn M.
South Korea

"A digital canvas showing the struggle of separation between a teen girl and her deployed mother. It is often hard to find peace when you are separated by your parents in a military situation. Sometimes, you have to find peace in the small moments with your parents, because every moment is special."


Gabriella A.

"The drawing symbolizes how we as military kids wherever we go, we make an impact on others whether we realize it or not. We learn from a variety of new people we meet, every place we take root in helps us grow as a person."


Elisabeth H.
Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas

"Each piece was inspired by Bloom itself - the message, theme, colors, etc. "Bloom where you are planted" - don't just live somewhere, plant yourself in your community and thrive. The dandelion shows us - how we can go and live anywhere, are constantly moving, and we don't only grow, but become a "beautiful flower.""

Dandelion Colors

Elisabeth H.
Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas

"Each piece was inspired by Bloom itself - the message, theme, colors, etc. "Bloom where you are planted" - don't just live somewhere, plant yourself in your community and thrive. The dandelion shows us - how we can go and live anywhere, are constantly moving, and we don't only grow, but become a "beautiful flower.""

Be Planted

Elisabeth H.,
Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas

"Each piece was inspired by Bloom itself - the message, theme, colors, etc. "Bloom where you are planted" - don't just live somewhere, plant yourself in your community and thrive. The dandelion shows us - how we can go and live anywhere, are constantly moving, and we don't only grow, but become a "beautiful flower.""


Amelia M.
Fort Worth, TX

"This is a 35 mm film picture that I took on my Pentax K1000. My family and I were in the middle of a PCS to Texas after my dad's orders to Italy were changed. I was still grieving not getting to go to Italy and I took this picture as a reminder to bloom where I am planted. "

Creation of Bloom

Anna V.

"This piece is exploring nature through a re-creation of the 'Creation of Adam' by Michelangelo and is part of a portfolio using a specific piece of fabric. When I fist started this piece, it unfortunately got lost when my phone stopped working, so I recreated on paper and have seen a growth in both my art and my style." (Picture taken by Art teacher).

Hold my Hand Through Life

Anna V.

"This piece is exploring the progression of life and relationships, and is apart of my portfolio of pieces using a specific piece of fabric." (Picture taken by Art teacher).


Anna V.

"This piece is exploring the beauty of nature and is part of a collection of art pieces using a specific piece of fabric." (Picture taken by Art teacher).

Dente di Leone

Sophia S.

"This is a painting I painted last fall, when the weather started getting cooler and there weren't as many flowers blooming anymore. I wanted to paint something that reminded me of the warmer, brighter months. While dandelions aren't the most colorful flowers, I felt as if painting one that is colorful captured the cheerful feeling that I feel during the time of year they bloom."

An Odyssey Through Green Pastures

Matthew A.

"Much like that seasonal gust, PCS season can come suddenly. From those familiar fields all the way to new locations, it can be difficult to adapt and grow in these environments. Whether you are just landing in a new field or have already rooted yourselves, know that your struggles and growth are all progress in building this new meadow. Take pride in your progress!"

A Burning Bloom

Anna V.

"Every artist is passionate about their art, it burning throughout each piece. Military kids are the same... they have a passion for whatever activity, sport, or art they do. It drives them to work their hardest to be good at it. Military kids burn the brightest when they do something they love. Like stars we shine in the sky, and like a flower we bloom with the rise of the sun."

Dream High, Dream Far, Aim for the Stars

Matthew A.

"Sometimes, your goals may seem as far as the stars. Never forget distance and time are relative, but what you cherish now is eternal. "


Caleb K.

"Migration": Relates butterflies with the lives of military teens. Medium: Colored Pencils.

Wear a Mask, Military Brats!

Corina Y.


Sofia T.

"Growing up as a military-connected child, I feel that my life never stops. I am always moving, traveling, or doing something to help strengthen my community. Sometimes, especially in high school, I feel like a bee. I am always active. I do my best to help support those around me, in hopes of leaving my community a bit better than I found it when I initially moved into it. Unfortunately, this kind of lifestyle can be overwhelming. Sometimes, we just need to take a little break from the business of everyday life. When I shot this photograph, this little bee reminded me of myself and of my fellow military-connected children. We are all living a very busy, at times chaotic life. We need to remember that sometimes we need to rest for a bit and take a break. We need to remember that this is okay."

The Late Bloom(er)

Anna V.

Be prepared to Bloom into your best self!

Dandelion Child

Corina Y.

Dandelion: The Flower of Bloom

Caroline A.


Lex G.

Helping Hands

Caroline A.

"In a time when we are all socially isolated, it is important to remember that we can make a difference together. I drew this picture to depict Bloom’s mission of connecting military teens world wide, and to illustrate how the Bloom community supports one another. "


Anna V.

"Bloom! Like a flower, military kids have the ability to grow. New situations, new experiences, new people. It can impact who we become and what we grow to be. Like a flower, we are flexible, and able to take root in new environments. Remember: military kids are resilient. No matter the whether, soil, or habitat, we can grow. We can bloom!"


Anna V.

"Bravery and courage comes in all forms. From doing something new to making a friend or for standing up for something you believe in. Take control of your future: You can make a difference."


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