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Veterans Day

Cecelia T.

At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year 1918, an armistice was signed ending World War I. From then on, "Armistice Day" has been celebrated annually in America on November 11, and was made a national holiday in 1938. Armistice Day was changed to Veterans Day in 1954.

Veterans Day celebrates the men and women in the American military who have bravely served their country. The day allows us to take some much-needed time to remember and honor the sacrifices of those who have dedicated their lives to the protection of the country we love. We respectfully remember and honor both the living and the dead.

We recognize veterans for putting their lives on the line for us, but veterans have done so much more for us than many realize. By serving their country, veterans have had to give up precious time that could have been spent with their families. Veterans miss birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and just being together with their loved ones. Personally, my father has missed a large portion of my young childhood years due to several deployments. The price veterans pay for us is high. In the words of my mother (an inspiringly courageous military spouse of over 20 years), “I think we pause on this day to remember them for our freedom, but also to recognize them for selflessly giving up family time for the nation.” The sacrifices veterans make require them to give up parts of their lives and themselves, and we will always be grateful.

The special holiday encourages Americans everywhere to thank veterans for their service and sacrifice. So to all members of our military who have fought for our freedom, on behalf of myself and all the Bloom Team military brats: thank you.



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