Raindrops sprinted down the cold glass of my back passenger window.
The feeling of my aching heart was drowned out by the last whiff of his cologne.
The sky, a mix of nickel gray and morning blue, seemed to coo me to sleep.
The car stopped.
I saw a crowd of people, eccedentesiasts.
A line of white buses bordered the field.
A whirl of sage green and desert tan clouded my vision.
I was lost in a forest of uniform faces, my heart raced as I trembled in fear.
His soft, tender voice led me back to him, and his gentle arms lifted me up to his shoulders.
From above, the congestion of troopers appeared to be a puddle of mud, similar to the pools that were scattered below our feet.
As I looked up, the sky stared at me intensely with eyes the color of a dark and menacing Independence blue.
The Soldiers seemed to blend in with the grassy field, in camouflage with what they would soon leave behind.
I knew the time would come, though I had hoped not this soon.
The Soldiers were called to gather in their platoons.
I got this certain feeling, a collage of blue and red.
For sadness and for angemay not see him again.
He took my hand and helped me down from up high.
He knelt down on his knee and said his last goodbye.
I wanted time to stop and to hug him one last time.
I watched him stand in his position.
He smiled his bright smile that all of us adore.
My heart had filled with yellows, such as merigold and lemon,
Even though that feeling would be crushed within a second.
He turned and marched up the steps of that quiet bus.
Children and spouses far and wide tried not to make a fuss.
As the bus drew nearer, it rounded the corner and disappeared.
And I couldn’t help the teardrops from running down my face.
Dad, you are my hero.
And I know how hard you tried,
To make the sun shine yellow, and brighten the hue of our “goodbye.”