Moving to Spain in sixth grade, as a very musical person, I doubted there would be many opportunities to continue doing what I loved. Singing had always been an important part of my life, and I recognized that living overseas might limit my ability to pursue it. Fortunately, this was not the case at all!
Although my school here in Rota is quite small, the music program has some to offer. I played the clarinet throughout middle school and into my sophomore year. Being part of the band was enjoyable and deepened my love for music. Listening to every instrument and the individual parts was amazing. The sounds blended beautifully, and I couldn't help but smile every time I played.
While I enjoyed band, I still missed singing and wished I had more opportunities to do so. In the middle of sophomore year, I decided to switch out of band because I wasn’t getting much out of it. Before leaving the class, I was informed about the DODEA Honors Music Festival, a week-long program featuring a concert band and concert chorus. I went straight to the chorus audition material, not even considering auditioning for band.
Miraculously, I made it in! Although I wasn't in the main choir, I was still surprised to be accepted, especially since I had never sung in a choir before. This was the start of my music progression, something I didn't think would be possible while living overseas.
Last November, I auditioned to perform as a vocalist in a garage band. It is a six-day advanced symposium for DoDEA high school students to showcase their talents. It was the most amazing experience I've ever had in my life. I met the most talented people and spent a whole week doing what I love, alongside others who shared the same passion!
Later in the school year, I attended the Swing & Sing Festival as an alto in show choir. I met even more awesome people, and the environment was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Everyone was so passionate and excited. At the end of junior year, I attended the Honors Music Festival once again and was selected for the main choir, which opened up more exciting opportunities. I spent the entire week rehearsing with both new and old friends.
Being overseas didn’t limit me as much as I had expected. It provided me with musical experiences I wouldn’t trade for the world. I can’t imagine what my experience would have been like in the States, but I can say with certainty that I've been able to continue pursuing my passions here. Things worked out better than I could have imagined, and I wouldn’t be where I am now without it!
No matter where you are, whether overseas or at a small base, don't think that your passion has to end. You can find ways to continue what you love! Don't be afraid to do a little exploring.