This is for the military kids who will move this summer.
This is for the kids who will pack up their houses with masks on.
This is for the student who cried about never being able to return to their beloved school.
This is for the athlete who was excited for their spring season, but will never get to play with their team again.
This is for the theatre kid whose show was cancelled without a proper goodbye to the cast.
This is for the band or indoor percussion kid who never got to perform one last time with their friends.
This is for the shy kid who just made friends and now can’t say goodbye.
This is for the kid who has lived in one place for years, and knew this move was going to be hard. But not this hard.
This is for the new kid who has only lived there a year and has had their time cut short by the virus.
This is for the kid who was looking forward to spending their last few months with their friends.
This is for the kid who can never hug their friends goodbye. They’ll just wave through a car window, tears streaming down their face.
I’m sorry. It’s not your fault.
You deserve a better goodbye. Moving is hard enough without the added pressure of a pandemic. Your sacrifices in this time of global desperation are greatly appreciated. You may not be a frontline healthcare worker, but you are keeping our nation safe and strong.
At the beginning of the pandemic, my mom said that military families are the most prepared for this situation. Our lifestyle has taught us to be flexible and resourceful; we go with the flow. This “flow” may seem like a waterfall, but it’s second nature to us to adapt and thrive, no matter what. So keep going, and don’t let COVID-19 define the memories you have of your duty station.
Moving away won’t be easy, it never is, but life goes on. And in this time of despair and death, we are all pretty lucky to be alive.
So, call your friends to say goodbye or wave from 6 feet away. Take time to grieve, you deserve it. But don’t dwell on the damage corona caused. Instead, grow from it and blossom into a stronger and more resilient person.
If you or someone you love needs help during this tough time, check out our Resources page for links to mental health resources. If you or someone you love might have COVID-19, click here for the CDC's instructions.
Thank you for this. I moved last year during covid and never got to say goodbye to so many people. I never got to perform one last time with my band. I wish I could've shown this to myself at the time of the move, it would have meant so much to myself then as it does